Let me start off by saying I don’t begrudge anybody their opinions or issues. If you are posting, writing about, and living your truth, then amen. No matter what you’re going through, you shouldn't compare it to anyone
else’s. Your shit is your shit. I’m no hater. Peace be with you.
I know you don’t know what you know until you know. And
granted, I’m not a “new” mom, so I might be a little more piss and vinegar than I am sugar and spice. But I have to say that lately, so much of what I
read regarding parenting is teetering on the edge of being the written version
of stock photography. It’s all cookie cutter subjects, white-washed to capture
a large readership. Maybe I’m reading the wrong headlines (point me to better
blogs!) but there seems to be a craze around grabbing a trending topic and
writing about it. Like: What I Learned At Mom’s Night Out. Tantrums and Fussy
Eaters and Potty Training…Oh My! Yoga Moms vs Running Moms: Who’s Winning The
Race? How To Raise A Vegan-ager. What Nobody Tells You About Having A
Friends, I have a spoiler alert for you: It’s not a race.
Everybody wins. Also, I made the Vegan-ager thing up. And when you’re pregnant for the first time,
nobody who already has a three-year-old tells you anything relevant about having a three-year-old because they already
know what you will soon learn: Your darling cherub will be a different breed
of asshole than everyone else’s. This shouldn’t come as a shock to you. Children are small people. We teach them to always do and want more. Crawling? Super,
stand up. Standing? Nice, now put one foot in front of the other, kid. You got
a B? Great, next time shoot for an A. We encourage them to push limits and ask
questions and then when they do we’re like, Wow my kid is all too much, I
need a break.
I’m not saying parenting isn’t hard work, because I know
first hand that it is. I’m all for a spa day, drinks with the girls, and date
night. But is this news article-worthy or is it preaching to the choir? Maybe complaining about how hard
it is is just part of our parenting shtick. Maybe some parents use the complaints as a lead-in to
complimenting oneself in public, as in, “Driving little Gladstone to advanced
equestrian school every day is SO exhausting.” (i.e. Everyone behold my tiny
Olympian, my Olympic-sized devotion, and
my bulging wallet!) Or, “I was so tired when Astrid was first born, but after
two weeks we were both sleeping through the night!” (To which I, and all of us, should say: "Dear Astrid's Mommy: Your infant never
actually slept through the night, you just slept through her crying. And if she
did sleep, keep it to yourself. People
who are parenting little vampires don’t want to hear it.")
I get that the common threads resonate and parents are all
exhausted humans. And we have an average of 50 things on our minds and to-do lists at all
times. But these themes aren’t unique. Every day is the same unless we make it
different. We clutch our coffee in the morning, yawn through the
park/playdate/homework session in the afternoon, and have Pavlovian responses
to hearing the cork pop at 5pm. That’s low-hanging fruit. (And let's be serious...if that's our biggest complaint on any given day, we are so lucky.) Let’s just assume
going forward that we’re all on the same caffeine + sleep-deprivation + wine
I don’t sit at my computer tugging at my mom jeans, yearning
to read another story about how you overcame your parenting challenges in just three easy steps to find
yourself #blessed. Because here’s the truth: Nobody overcomes parenting challenges. You have a baby, it’s hard, the end. That song is on repeat for all
of us forever.
I want to read about the good stuff in between…the stuff
that is unique. Where are the real
stories? Real is funny. Authentic gives me chills. I want less “Aw, shucks” and
more “Ohhh fuck.”
I guess what I really want to know is that I won’t appear on
the cover of Bad Parent Magazine solo. I want it to be me plus all of you guys.
Prove THAT to me. Tell me the story that gets you invited to the cover shoot for BPM, not for Crock-Pot Daily. (Although if you’re on the cover of that
one, congratulations and please send me your recipes, I need dinner ideas.)
Parents, where is the platform where we can dialogue about the really good stuff? Sometimes what makes you sob can give us all a good belly laugh later, so share it. Come on. We are all pretty much on level playing ground, aren't we? We are trying our best and making mistakes. We are teaching our boys that just because they have a
dick doesn’t mean they get to be one and we are teaching our girls to love
their vaginas first. It’s TERRIFYING. We are adoring the hell out of our kids
and we all fear there’s only a 50/50 chance of it actually working.
If you’re a parent and your situation is truly difficult in
ways not everyone can fathom (you know who you are), whine it up and use the
universe as your sounding board. The rest of us need to stop it. I don’t know
about you guys, but my OB/GYN never once said “And after baby comes out, you’ll
have one more big push to deliver your night nurse, trainer, and chef! In a
couple weeks, you’ll look great and be well-rested.” Again, I understand that
you don’t know until you know, but we kind of knew…right?
And anyway, nobody can tell you how hard it will be to have one
kid, because it won’t ring true for you until after you already have it, and by
then DUH. And you don’t know how easy it is to have one kid until you have two.
But you can’t shove them back in after they’ve come out, even when you reeeally
want to. This we know. We know already. So can we please stop pretending
to give sage advice about How To Organize Baby’s Closet? Because by week two
post-delivery you’re going to be dressing baby straight from the dryer and we
all know it. Just say that. Quickest editorial piece ever.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that even if you do have a
perfectly appointed nursery or you read "5 Things Every First Time Mom Needs To Know!" - your kid is going to drive you crazy. You’re also going
to drive yourself crazy, and possibly others. In fact, I might be driving you crazy right now. We are all hanging by a thread at
one point or another, some of us just look better doing it. But let’s remember
we all signed up for this shit show. Parenting is funny and particular and
includes quiet sex at weird times and there’s nothing easy about any of it. And
while it’s scary and makes us cry, it’s also super cool because it spreads us
out as people. You do things you never thought you’d do, say things you swore
you wouldn’t say, and you look insane half the time. (You feel insane a little
more than that even.)
I think if we showed up and let everyone see that side of
ourselves, the arguments between the stay at home mom vs the stay at home dad
would cease. The tired fight over who has it tougher – work from home mom vs
working mom vs mom who doesn’t work outside the home – would finally be put to
bed. People would stop judging families with an only child, families with a
gaggle of kids, and untraditional families of every kind.
Because in the end, we are all investigating buttholes,
secretly reading tween texts, and talking about nipples in public. And it’s all
good, because it means we’re in tune with our kids and their needs. It’s okay
to put their needs first. It’s okay not to sometimes. It’s all going to be okay. It’s just going to be messy first.
I feel like I should sing you a lullaby now. Maybe I should
just contact the editor of Bad Parent Magazine and tell them to budget for a
cover that opens up like a centerfold because we are all going to be up there
I just know it.